Thursday, April 22, 2010

Karlie's 5 Year Photoshoot

I can't believe another year has come and gone with my little Karlie. She is turning 5 next week and doesn't stop growing! Time doesn't ever slow down. It still amazes me every day at how much my kids are growing as any mom can tell you. I am incredibly blessed to have my amazing little girl be a wonderful and very caring big sister to her younger brother and sister. We all love her very much and we love her loving spirit!

Lindsey and Matt

My little sister is getting married! I was able to design her wedding invitations for her! I can't take credit for the photography since she lives in Utah and I live in Washington it is a little bit difficult to do. She had a friend of hers take the pictures for her and she emailed them to me. I am very glad I was able to help her out with it! Love ya Lindsey!